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How-to read my meter - Knowledgebase / How-to Articles - 221B Energy Helpdesk

How-to read my meter

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It's a good idea to know your gas and electricity meters readings. You can keep an eye on the energy you're using and make sure your bills are accurate. Our meter reading guide shows how to read different types of gas and electricity meters, and how to submit them to us. We've also included pictures of meters so you know what to look for.

Your meter may not quite look like what's in our meter reading guide. If you're not sure what to read, try comparing what's on your meter display to the reading shown on your last bill.

Once you’ve made a note of your readings, you can submit them by logging into your online account. You can also use the My 221B app to scan and send your reading or submit it manually. If you don’t already have an online account, you can register for one first.

If you need any advice about reading your meter, please get in touch and we'll be happy to help.

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How to read your meter

  1. Read the first four numbers from left to right.

  2. Include any zeros at the beginning, but don't include any numbers in red, or anything after a red number.

  3. If your meter has reached 9,999, it'll start recording from zero again.

How to read your metric meter

  1. Read the first five numbers from left to right.

  2. Include any zeros at the beginning, but don't include anything after a space or decimal point.

  3. Once your meter has reached 99,999, it'll start recording from zero again.

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