Our Instructor Certification is a ~1hr long module that teaches you how to use Yellowdig effectively to increase class engagement and learning outcomes. Our Instructor Certification is a ~1hr long module that teaches you how to use Yellowdig effectively to increase class engagement and learning outcomes.
Access the module for free here: Instructor Certification Module.Access the module for free here:
Access the module for free here: Instructor Certification Module.Instructor Certification Module
Access the module for free here: Instructor Certification Module..
What do people say about it? After taking the course, 97% of instructors rate it as very helpful or fairly helpful.
What do people say about it? After taking the course, 97% of instructors rate it as very helpful or fairly helpful.

There is a view-only version of the course as well on our YouTube channel.There is a view-only version of the course as well on our
There is a view-only version of the course as well on our YouTube channel..
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